Your Voice
in Olympia.

My Story.

My name is Jeffrey M. Cohen and I’m running to be your state representative in Olympia representing Washington’s 36th Legislative District.  All of us are fortunate to live in an incredible part of the world.  I’ve been a Seattleite since 1996 when I relocated here after college.

I was born and raised in Miami, Florida and became fascinated with the Pacific Northwest in High School (Twin Peaks and Singles were the rage at the time).  During my college years, I did a summer program at UW, and was immediately hooked on the coffee, scenery, and lifestyle.  A year after I graduated, I packed up, moved to Seattle, and the rest is history.

Caucusing with my sister Candi, March 2016.

Caucusing with my sister Candi, March 2016.


I first got involved in politics in 1992, campaigning locally for Bill Clinton in Miami (it was also the first year I was old enough to vote in a presidential election).  The experience definitely changed me as I realized the power and nobleness of public service.  In my daily life, I’m often reminded of the quote from author, activist, and political leader Booker T. Washington: “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”  Definitely words to live by, and how I aspire to live my life everyday.

My Career.

I’ve worked in the private sector my entire professional career, and have been in the travel and tourism industry for the past 13 years.  Travel is one of my passions.  It is transformative, and connects us with other people and cultures.  It also brings much-needed tourism dollars to communities that rely on that industry in order to survive.  I’ve been extremely blessed with the opportunity to visit and experience many places around the world, but to be honest, no place else has anything on our beautiful community.  This is home.  Yet there are important and pressing issues that we face here – the high cost of housing, access to affordable healthcare, advocacy for our seniors and the most vulnerable amongst us, homelessness, fair and equitable transportation options, support for underrepresented communities and communities of color, and support for our small businesses. These are the issues that I’m passionate about and the reasons why I’m running for office.

I served as a Precinct Committee Officer in the 43rd Legislative District from 2004-2006.  And earned my Masters in Public Administration in 2013.

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”

— author, activist, and political leader Booker T. Washington

My dad George and I, July 2014.

My dad George and I, July 2014.


My Family.

As a proud gay man, husband, and dog dad, I am truly blessed and living the American dream.  My father George was a first-generation American (my grandparents were Ukrainian immigrants).  My father was my biggest advocate and taught me to follow my dreams and passions, and that you only fail at something if you never try in the first place; he was my hero.  He was so interested and invested in my life, and always wanted to know what he could do to help, encourage, and support me.  I lost him in 2014.  I wish he could be here today and see me running for public office. Caring for my father in his last years of life also gave me a unique perspective into the issues that the elderly and their caregivers face everyday.  

My husband Brendan is an immigrant from South Africa.  As his family tells it, he had American flags and NASA photos up in his bedroom as a child, and always said he’d move to the United States one day and become an American citizen.  After a lot of hard work and sheer determination, his dream was realized on May 5, 2014 when he was sworn in as a U.S. citizen.  It was one of the proudest days of my life, and I am so thankful that my father was alive at the time to experience that milestone with us.

My husband Brendan, our French Bulldog Monty, and I, Pike Place Market.

My husband Brendan, our French Bulldog Monty, and I, Pike Place Market.

We’re All in this Together.


I will also be a strong advocate in Olympia for LGBTQ+ protections, rights, and freedoms.  I 100% support nondiscrimination protections for the LGBTQ+ community in every single facet of life.  This includes nondiscrimination when it comes to housing, employment, adoption, and healthcare.  Some of the most rewarding volunteer work that I do is with the OUT Foundation and their fitness initiative OUTWOD.  As a CrossFitter myself, I’m an ambassador for OUTWOD which supports the LGBTQ+ community through inclusion, fitness, and sport.  It’s all about staying healthy on both the inside and outside.   

It is the responsibility of all of us to keep our community thriving and environmentally-sustainable for the generations that will come after us.  I will fight tirelessly for the issues that you care about.  This campaign isn’t about me, it’s about the residents of the 36th district and the issues that matter the most to them. 

I would be honored to be your voice in Olympia as we work together to help solve the issues that face our state and community. 

I ask for your vote.